Please, make your reservation online at least 24 hours before your arrival.

We will contact you via phone or mail to confirm your reservation.
You can also book your stay calling to the number 973 48 24 10

Can Puig does not work with companies such as Wonderbox, Cofrevip, etc. Sorry for the inconvenience

Restaurant booking

Date, hour and people number
If you need to include additional information for your booking (allergies, illness,...)

Hotel Booking

If you need to include additional information for your booking (optional)


Logo Can Puig png 400

Carretera de Manresa km 76 ,

25290, Clariana de Cardener, Solsona, Lleida

How to arrive?


Can Puig Hotel

The doors of the hotel are open, we hope you enjoy your stay.

Can Puig Restaurant

Open from Wednesday to Sunday, it includes Friday and Saturday nights.

Information and reservations

To the phone (+34) 973 48 24 10 or the email  o
